Past Events

Black Studies at the interregnum
This talk tracked the development of Black Studies in Canada against the attacks on Critical Race Theory, African American Studies and other such programs to ask the questions of why Black Studies now? Drawing on the move from a non-institutionalized Black Studies in Canada to its growing institutionalization, the talk sought to grapple with what might Black Studies formally add to the Candian intellectual scene that might transform it in ways that diversity, equity and inclusion are incapable of doing.

Decoding, Phonics and Reading
This session explicated the Double Helix of Reading and Writing, which is proposed as a new thoery and model of literacy teaching. It also shared how outstanding 'real' books written for children can be at the heart of effective teaching of phonics, reading and writing, informed by the most up to date research and theory.

Workshop for Teacher Educators: Supporting Reading Pedagogies of Equity in Pre-service Teacher Education
This workshop was organized into two themes:
- What are the necessary considerations for selecting texts for course syllabi before teaching
- What are the necessary considerations for supporting meaning making with text during teaching
Working with these themes offered:
- key considerations for suporting critical reading praxes across teacher education curricula
- provocations to focus small group break-outs
- guided small group activities
- opportunities to synthesize ideas collectively and produce principles for equity in/through reading in teacher education

Threading, Making and Dreaming
Participants were invited to engage with us in considering what is possible when education work is created with attention to both human and land-earth histories. This invitatation stems from two SSHRC projects in Andean Ecuador (Critina Delgado Vintimilla and Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw), where, alongside women and children, we aim to create alternative relational logics abidst extractive capitalism.
What choreographies of the possible might emerge when the intersection of artistic work and pedagogy meet women and children resisting mutliple forms of extractive captialism? What relational futures are we able to dream when land and water are considered being that exist in reciprocity and deep interrelation?

In(sur)gent counter pedagogies from nuestramerica
In this space conversation was a proposal to create and share ideas and problems that might work as animico-political and (aesth)ethic-political seeds, to ask ourselves about the pedagogical desires that we gestate and traverse in our educational and research spaces. From the territory of nuestramerica situated in Argentina, Ornela and Santiago shared their (un)disciplined-perhaps-even post-qualitative research - and feeling-thinking processes between bodies, affetions and territorialities.

Provoking Curriculum Conference
From March 23 to March 25, 3023, the 10th biannual Provoking Curriculum Conference took place at Western University, London, ON and was co-sponsored by CACS, CSSE, and Western's Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum.

Mobilizing Change Through Curriculum
Engaging with Vulnerable Populations through Participatory Action Research. This was led by: Roula Hawa, PhD. MSc, MPH, BEd, OCT, PHEc is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Studies and Human Development at Brescia University College at Western.

Building Bridges Between Literacy Research and Practice: Diverse Perspectives
Led By: Mary Ellen Coombs (Huron Perth District School Board), Carol Doyle Jones (Niagara University), Marianna Dilorio (Toronto District School Board), Lara Donsky (Toronto District School Board), Kim Lockhart (Limestone District School Board), Audrey Madsen (Toronto District School Board), Emily Moorhead (Limestone District School Board), and Shelley Stagg Peterson (OISE/University of Toronto)

Thinking Intersection Series
Emergent Scholars in Education Lecture Series is cohosted by York University's ESA' pting Early Childhood Series and Western's University's Interdisciplinary Centre for Curriculum Studies.
How one becomes who one is? Reflections on intersections and frictions in becoming an educational scholar in Latin America with Ines Dussel, Yuri Perez Trivirio and Federico William.

Thinking Intersection Series

Who you Callin Black Eh? Play and Workshop
Written and directed by playwright Rita Shelton Deverell, Who you Catlin Black Eh? is a coming-of-age play set in Canada's largest, most multicultural city. This play is about colour. Wherever Our Heroine goes, she is not Black Enough or White Enough to find her people...

Curriculum and Pedagogy for Uncertain Futures Symposium 2021
Led By: Ainara Alleyne, Dr. Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti (University of British Columbia, Canada), Anna Binta Diallo, Dr. Towani Duscher (University of Calgary, Canada), Zanna Fong, Nyle Miigizi Johnston, and Fikile Nxumalo (University of Toronto, Canada)